Sunday 24 March 2013

Beyond the 4th cataract: campaigns in Nubia during the New Kingdom

I've definitely been through a dry patch as far as DBA goes. I've not even been inspired to paint for several months (what's going on?!). I always find a campaign is the way to get me back into the saddle - so to speak.

So, the project is to be around the campaigns of the New Kingdom Pharaohs to conquer Nubia.

Spurred by threats from the south, Egypt’s New Kingdom pharaohs mounted military campaigns against Nubia, and by the Reign of Thutmose III (1479–1425 BC) Egyptians controlled Nubia to the 4th cataract. An Egyptian govenor administered the country called Kush and ensured the flow of Nubian gold to Egypt. Nubia also contributed exotic products such as animal skins, ivory, and ebony as well as dates, cattle, and horses prized for their quality. Despite being required to send many rich resources to Egypt, Nubia prospered during this period. Many Egyptians settled in Nubia, and Nubians moved north to Egypt. 
Egyptian pharoahs constructed temples throughout Nubia to honor Egyptian dieties, gods unique to Nubia, and themselves as divinities. The most important religious site in Nubia was dedicated to the Egyptian state god Amun. It was located at the foot of a sacred mountain (modern Gebel Barkal) at the frontier settlement of Napata near the 3rd cataract. Started by Thutmose III, this temple complex was elarged by later pharaohs.
New Kingdom Egyptian pharaohs conducted many campaigns to bring Nubia under Egyptian control.

Just a teaser to start the ball rolling.

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